FAQ for Customers

FAQ for Customers

- Who am I buying from?

You are buying direct from the vendor listed on the site

- Why wouldn't I buy direct from the vendor on their site?

You are in effect buying direct from the Vendor but on our site. The difference is that we also provide additional businesses the opportunity to showcase their products and also have loyalty programmes for return customers to support the environment as a community.

- Who do I call if there is a problem with my order / transaction

You will contact the vendor directly as they will be the one fulfilling your order and have received payment directly. Their contact details are on the site and the email invoice you will have received. If you have issues with the vendor then you may contact us

- Who am I paying?

You are paying the vendor directly via our PayPal portal - AllThingsEcoWise provides the vendor with a platform from which to sell from in the same way as a physical marketplace.

- What products will I find on your site?

All the Products on our site should be focussed on reuse, recycle or save our resources.  We ask all our vendors to classify their products accordingly on our site with special focus on compostable packaging.