Why list my items here?

There are many reasons to list your products on All Things Eco Wise but here are a few:

  1. We are focussed on selling products that are innovative and most importantly driving to improve our impact on the environment by reducing landfill, recycling and reusing, avoiding plastics and many others
  2. We aim to educate as well as sell so that people understand the differences in products they buy and do not get "green washed"
  3. The focus of this site is to help you the vendor in the first instance, by providing automation, support and a platform to sell to a wider audience.  This is aimed at enhancing your existing sales channels and not substituting
  4. Its free...do I need to continue?
  5. You receive funds from the customer via PayPal immediately unlike other sites where its normally 14 days, as they are not automated and this can also lead to errors on their site
  6. Having been significantly impacted by Covid I care very much about small business and how we have to support each other and this is one of the ways I chose to do it - to make the lives of small business owners easier by automating so much of it, and also giving you an additional platform to sell your many innovative products on.
  7. We have a superior platform with many integrations and capabilities that many others do not.  This allows us to keep costs lower, support higher and reach a larger audience. For example we will be looking to launch a native App in the coming months as well as a loyalty programme for customers which is all standard functionality in the platform.