FAQ for Vendors

FAQ for Vendors

What does it cost to list my items?

In almost every case it is free to list your items and there is a flat variable commission charged per sale. I set this site up to be supportive of small Australian businesses trying to do the right thing by the environment and so the focus is about making your life as simple as possible and maximising sales.

What is the advantage of listing on AllThingsEcoWise vs other marketplace sites?

The focus is on the environmental products and getting you sales - as such, unlike other marketplaces, we do not charge for services such as live nightly product syncing from your main Shopify / WooCommerce site, instead, we will focus on you and your products and aim to maximise sales using the commission structure, so we are all incentivised to maximise sales. In addition there is a mobile App in the pipeline - as we all know mobile ecommerce is bigger than direct web. We will also invest in social media advertising across multiple channels and feature news, specials and actively target small / medium sized businesses looking to change their buying habits as well as the traditional consumer channel

How often will I get paid when I make a sale?

You will be paid immediately the customer pays direct via PayPal at the point of sale. PayPal will deduct the agreed partner commission for us, and your normal transaction commission from PayPal (between 1.75% and 2.6% +30c) and you will receive the net

How do I sign up?

Simply click on the link at the top of the home page called "Become a seller" and fill in the form. We will then start the process of getting you set up which is very quick and we are here to support you at every step. It typically takes 30-60 mins to have your products live on the site.

Why are there multiple plans available with monthly fees as well as the free one?

We are catering not only to consumers but also commercial outlets and as such some vendors may have more stock and require more management of larger portfolios. In addition, some vendors may choose to pay a monthly fee and pay a lower variable rate so we have provided this as an option to give you the best outcome for your business.

Who pays for the customer transaction fee?

All the transactions are handled through PayPal Commerce and you the vendor will have the cost of the transaction fee in the normal way at your normal rate.  You will be required to have a PayPal business account for live distribution of funds from our site.

Why do I need a business PayPal account to become a vendor?

Yes - We operate using PayPal Commerce which not only gives us a range of payment methodologies but also allows automated funds distribution to you the vendor on a real time basis.  As such you will require a PayPal account to be connected to the marketplace and funds to be passed directly to you.

What is the flow of funds and orders through the site?

Customer orders on the site and pays via PayPal, PayPal then deducts the Partner commission and the transaction fee and deposits the net funds in your PayPal account. The order will be sent to you via the site including as an email notification. You will fulfil the order and update the status and tracking number on our site where applicable which will trigger a notification to the customer.