Hemp Cord

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10 дн.
HeapsGood Packaging
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We can't get enough of hemp at HeapsGood. It's sustainable, versatile and owning hemp products makes you sound hip. But why pack with it? And do people still say hip?

Using 100% organic hemp cord is a zillion times better for the environment than using cotton. Also, most twines and rope are polished with a paraffin wax, which is derived from petrochemicals. We've used a natural starch, so it's completely oil-free.

We've got a range of colours for our 1mm hemp cord, creating the earthy, boho finishing touches of your dreams. It also works great for gift wrapping, gardening, macrame, restraining your enemies, scrapbooking, and friendship bracelets.

The possibilities are endless, but we'll leave that in your very capable knot-tying hands.

Dusty Blue

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