Product Listing Criteria

All Things Eco is a Site designed to promote and sell Products that contribute to a sustainable future and as such those Products should fit certain criteria that our Users expect. Products on the Site therefore should meet at least one of the following minimum requirements: 1. use compostable packaging – Home or Industrial Compostable – ideally certified2. use recycled materials either for packaging or for the main Product3. the Product should enable sustainable environmental practices e.g solar power, water harvesting for recycling, recycling of food materials (worm farm)4. Proceeds of the sale of Products are being donated to charities / environmental groups to promote a sustainable futureThese criteria should be made clear in your Product Descriptions ideally via the Feature “Environmental Claims” and / or in the Vendor “AB: Motivation Block” which promotes your business and why a User should buy from you.If you have Products that you feel don’t fit into these criteria but still meet the overall goal of the Site please contact us.