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Buxton Hanley Pty Ltd
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Keep a constant supply of delicious, single-use plastic-free filtered water readily available in your fridge or on your counter for 3+ months, with our beautiful  KURO-Bō 2L Glass Water Filter Jug!

Hand-made from light and durable Borosilicate Glass (or Pyrex), and featuring leak-proof steel and bamboo lid and an ergonomically designed handle, this unique and eye-catching jug is the perfect addition to a kitchen, home office, gym or holiday house. The 100% plastic-free filter set also includes 1 x eco-friendly, reusable and recyclable KURO-Bō Activated Charcoal (Binchotan) Water Filter which will only need to be replaced in 3-6 months.

HOW EASY IS IT TO GET NEW CHARCOAL FILTERS? Easy as one online order every 3-6 months!


Height: 28cm / Base Width: 13cm / Weight: c750g


  • Hand-made from from super light and durable Borosilicate Glass (or Pyrex)
  • Features a slow flow (child-friendly) brass tap, a bamboo lid and a raised bamboo stand
  • Includes 3 x eco-friendly, reusable and recyclable KURO-Bō Activated Charcoal Natural Water Filters
  • Completely removes the need for any plastic bottles or expensive installed systems
  • Ideal for either the counter or a larger fridge
  • The perfect addition to a home, office, gym/studio or holiday house
  • A stunning and unique gift for friends or family

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